Melek lassoued
Java script developer at edonec
Hello, I'm Melek Lassoued, an experienced JavaScript web developer. I specialize in crafting high-quality websites, always aiming to satisfy and maintain consistent credibility in my professional relationships.
Currently working on
- My personal site
- Confidential projects that utilize a monorepo system
- Joined eDonec as a JavaScript developer
- I'm currently honing my skills in monorepo tools, emphasizing practical experience for effective project management and collaboration.
- Learned TypeScript, tailwind ,framerMotion and contentLayer
- worked on Approximately 12 Projects in 1 Year.
- Wrote my First Blog on Medium: Implementing Pluralization with i18next in React - A Complete Guide
- Created my first ever npm package. react-plop-gen-component
- Created various boilerplates for starting new projects using the latest technologies. You can checkout my GitHub account for more details .
- Created this portfolio website
- joined Tek&Me in september as a javaScript developer .
- Learned ReduxToolkit the modern approach to managing state in Redux.
- Learned Storybook.
- Learned how to work and respect projects guidelines .
- start working with EMIKETIC as a front-end developer in March .
- Learned Sass, a powerful CSS preprocessor for more efficient styling.
- Learned how to write conventional commits
- Learned Gatsby.js and Next.js two popular frameworks for building modern, performant web applications.
- worked as TL developers in ONG Aiesec Medina.
- Learned strapi one of the best headless CMS.
- Learned ReactJS, graphql, Redux.
Future Endeavors:
My journey towards becoming a senior developer includes mastering the intricate concepts of accessibility, optimizing performance, and consistently writing clean, maintainable code. Moreover, I'm committed to sharing my knowledge and insights with others through blog posts and articles, contributing to the growth of our developer community. Stay tuned for valuable content 📢 !